APA Los Angeles provides this Consultant Directory as a free service. Add a listing free of charge. Submissions are subject to review for relevance to the planning community and will be published upon approval.
If you would like to update an existing listing for your firm or service, email webmaster@apalosangeles.org.
The current list is outdated to a large degree. We request that consultants who desire to be listed here re-input their information to be sure it is current.
Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc.
Terra Nova is a full service land use and environmental planning firm with a highly professional team of experienced urban and environmental planners and technical support staff. We have extensive experience in the preparation of EIR/EISs for major projects, Comprehensive and General Plans, Zoning Ordinances, and large scale mixed-use development. We have also prepared CEQA Initial Studies for dozens of jurisdictions and hundreds of projects, and NEPA EAs for the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Federal Highway Administration, the US Economic Development Administration and the US Department of Energy.
Planning, Environmental Consulting
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