APA Los Angeles provides this Consultant Directory as a free service. Add a listing free of charge. Submissions are subject to review for relevance to the planning community and will be published upon approval.
If you would like to update an existing listing for your firm or service, email webmaster@apalosangeles.org.
The current list is outdated to a large degree. We request that consultants who desire to be listed here re-input their information to be sure it is current.
PlaceWorks (formerly The Planning Center, dba The Planning Center|DC&E) provides the following consulting services and more.
- Community Planning (Comprehensive Planning, including General Plans and Specific Plans; TOD Planning; Corridor Planning; Infill Planning/Design; Zoning/Form-Based Code; Housing Research/Analysis; Community Engagement; Municipal Services; Geographic Information Systems; Creative Media)
- Design (Downtown Planning; Design Standards/Guidelines; Site Planning; Large-Scale Planning/Design; Strategic Plans)
- Landscape Architecture (Streetscape Design; Parks/Trails Planning; Urban Agriculture/Urban Forestry; Storm Water Management Planning; Evidence-Based Design)
- Environmental Services CEQA/NEPA; Third-Party Review; Technical Studies, including Air Quality/GHG Emissions/Inventory, Noise, Shade/Shadow Analysis; Climate Action Planning; Site Investigation; Remedial Engineering Design; Health Risk Assessment; Regulatory Compliance
- Economics (Economic and Market Analysis; Economic Development Planning; Site Selection and Development; Feasibility Studies; Fiscal and Financial Analysis)
- School Facilities Planning (CEQA/NEPA Documentation; DTSC Compliance; Title 5/CDE Risk Assessment; Health Risk Assessment; Outdoor Educational Environments).
Planning, Environmental Consulting
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