APA Los Angeles provides this Consultant Directory as a free service. Add a listing free of charge. Submissions are subject to review for relevance to the planning community and will be published upon approval.
If you would like to update an existing listing for your firm or service, email webmaster@apalosangeles.org.
The current list is outdated to a large degree. We request that consultants who desire to be listed here re-input their information to be sure it is current.
SC Planners, Inc.
Established in 2007, SC Planners is a real estate and land use consulting firm that provides assistance and expertise on the varied critical components involved with land use and development. Our passion is to implement sound development practices for clients to help them meet their objectives, while conscientiously adhering to land use standards and regulations designed to respect the natural environment and the well-being of the community. Balancing project development goals with regulatory requirements and environmental compliance from the outset of project concept/design is crucial in moving a project forward efficiently and successfully.
With over 15 years of experience, we successfully achieve our clients’ goals by combining our knowledge of the development process with innovative strategies to create solutions to problems that frequently plague the process. We coordinate and manage a wide range of projects of varied scope, scale, and location; from residential remodels to new commercial and institutional projects; from rural mountain areas to the heart of urban Los Angeles; from addressing hazards that may arise from fire, flood, and geology to problems associated with limited parking, ADA access, traffic congestion or affordable housing.
We have worked on entitlements for residential, commercial and industrial properties, including private schools, drug and alcohol residential treatment centers and senior care facilities.
Check out our website
Contact us
619 S Fremont Ave
Suite C
Alhambra, California 91803