APA Los Angeles provides this Consultant Directory as a free service. Add a listing free of charge. Submissions are subject to review for relevance to the planning community and will be published upon approval.
If you would like to update an existing listing for your firm or service, email webmaster@apalosangeles.org.
The current list is outdated to a large degree. We request that consultants who desire to be listed here re-input their information to be sure it is current.
CityPlace Planning, Inc.
CityPlace Planning: CityPlace Planning is a professional services firm offering expertise in land use, transportation, environmental and policy planning. We have extensive, diverse experience with long-range projects such as General Plans and Specific Plans that integrate these disciplines; and with the associated environmental analysis process. We are specialists in the area of healthy community planning, promoting the use of alternative modes of transportation to increase physical activity. CityPlace Planning designs and facilitates community outreach efforts for each of our projects utilizing both traditional and innovative methods for maximum effectiveness. Our approach to each project is collaborative, and we bring a unique ability to problem solve to each project we undertake.
Founded as a corporation in 2009, CityPlace Planning is based in San Diego, California, providing services throughout Southern California. As a small firm, professionals with advanced degrees and specialized experience are assigned to perform each unique project on an as-needed basis. We maintain a strong commitment to excellence, providing high quality, timely services.
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