APA Los Angeles provides this Consultant Directory as a free service. Add a listing free of charge. Submissions are subject to review for relevance to the planning community and will be published upon approval.
If you would like to update an existing listing for your firm or service, email webmaster@apalosangeles.org.
The current list is outdated to a large degree. We request that consultants who desire to be listed here re-input their information to be sure it is current.
The Arroyo Group
The Arroyo Group (TAG) is a 26 year old firm located in Pasadena, California. Since its founding, TAG has prepared plans which have been noted for their successful implementation and their imaginative, award winning design. Founded in 1976, The Arroyo Group is a multi-disciplinary firm of architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, and implementation specialists who believe that sensitive and workable relationships between man and the environment can be achieved with the sound economic, social and fiscal considerations essential to successful planning, design and development. TAG’s concern is for the lasting value of its solutions to clients and their communities.
Planning, Traffic Consulting
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