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AEP Presents: 2015 CEQA Essentials Workshop
November 6, 2015 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
SoCal Gas Tower – Conference Rooms 02B and 02C 555 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013
AEP is pleased to invite you to register for the upcoming 2015 CEQA Essentials Workshop to be held in Downtown Los Angeles on Friday, November 6th, 2015. This workshop provides a basic understanding of the fundamentals of CEQA and the State Guidelines, and includes intermediate-level practice pointers and case studies.
This workshop features a curriculum developed specifically for people involved in the environmental review process, including consultants, regulators, applicants, or industry professionals, and will benefit those new to the field as well as mid-level practicing professionals.
- Understanding the Statute and Guidelines
- CEQA Process and determining the appropriate document
- Adequacy of analysis and mitigation
- Findings
- Notices
- Legal challenges and defensibility
- Practice pointers
- Case studies
- Projects also subject to NEPA
AICP-CM credits pending
Registration: http://califaep.org/workshops/ceqa-essentials-workshops