APA Los Angeles 2020-2021 Policy Mission Statement
APA Los Angeles will champion equitable planning policy and advocate on behalf of Planners in Los Angeles County to ensure their voices are heard and values are reflected on public policy issues related to planning.
2020-2021 Policy Priorities
- Housing & Homelessness
- Environment & Climate Change
- Transportation
- Equity
Recent APA Los Angeles Positions
- In October 2020, APA Los Angeles issued a statement of support for Los Angeles County Measure J, State Proposition 15, and State Proposition 16. The statement provides a description of how these measures and propositions align with APA Los Angeles’s 2020-21 policy priorities, and APA California’s 2019-20 Legislative Agenda – ‘Plan California.’ Please note that APA California has not weighed in on these ballot measures, however, our positions are based on the measures’ consistency with their stated policy priorities.
- Letter to SCAG on 2021-2028 RHNA Methodology
- SB 50 Post
- In May 2019, APA Los Angeles submitted a letter of support for permanent expansion of LADWP’s solar feed-in tariff program. Information about the program can be found here. Expanding the program to a permanent minimum of 300MW will reduce GHG emissions, and create jobs in disadvantaged communities. This aligns with APA CA’s policy agenda goals to: “provide proportionate or greater benefits to and limit financial and environmental impacts on low income, minority and disadvantaged communities” and “support incentives for strategic deployment of small and large scale solar” in addition the City of LA’s proposed green new deal.
What We Do
- Advocacy: If planners don’t advocate for planning, others will — even if they don’t have the expertise. We must be the trusted voice on planning. Below are several advocacy strategies that we practice:
- Join policy coalitions
- Solicit member input on critical policy issues
- Author comment letters on local and regional legislation
- Raise awareness through communications and events
- Publish blog posts
- Publish voter guides
- Share real-life stories of the effects of policy with legislators
- Elevate the work of local non-profits and community organizations
- Support and contribute to the APA California Policy and Legislation Program:
- APA is a subsidiary of APA California and participates annually in the development of the Chapter’s policy positions, which aim to represent the interests of planners statewide. As a subsidiary of APA California, APA Los Angeles cannot take positions on policies in opposition to APA California’s positions. APA Los Angeles can, however, take positions that add additional context and clarifications to positions taken by APA California. Learn more about APA California’s policy efforts and recent position papers here.
- APA California Legislative Agenda (“Plan California”)
- This Board-adopted platform serves as the guiding document for the Chapter’s lobbying and advocacy efforts in Sacramento for each two-year legislative session. APA Los Angeles contributes to the development of this platform on behalf of planning professionals in Los Angeles County. Learn more here.
How to Get Involved
- If you want to join APA Los Angeles’s Ad-Hoc Policy Committee and help review or submit relevant local and regional policy and legislation that impacts planning for the Section, please contact APA LA’s Vice Director of Policy Andrina Dominguez at policy@apalosangeles.org.
- Do you like to write or tweet about local planning policy? Consider writing a feature blog post for our website! We’ll share your post with our readership of 2,000+ so your voice is heard. Email policy@apalosangeles.org for more info!
- Join the APA California Legislative Review team. If you want to join APA California’s Legislative Review Team and help review the substantive legislation that impacts planning statewide, please contact APA California’s Administrative Director Lauren De Valencia at lauren@stefangeorge.com
- Join the Planners’ Advocacy Network. APA National’s network of engaged planning advocates is working to shape federal and state policy outcomes. Learn more here.
- Notify us of an impending policy or program in your City . In an effort to stay more informed about planning policy issues in which we may want to engage, let our Director of Policy know about any local policy news, events, and items of interest pertaining to Los Angeles County or any of its 88 cities and regional agencies. Please send brief descriptions and/or links to policy@apalosangeles.org
- Be an advocate for planning! Here are some Advocacy 101 tips:
- Build relationships with legislators, staff and affiliated organizations
- Listen to their goals/objectives
- Less is more — present a clear and concise message
- Share how will it impact you, planning and the legislator: provide examples from your community – stories are more compelling than statistics
- Use “yes, if” rather than “no” — look for a compromise that lets all sides win
- Offer yourself as an expert planning resource for future issues — legislators want reliable information
- Thank those who are helpful