APA Los Angeles AICP Study Group
The Professional Development Committee of APA Los Angeles is excited to invite current APA members to participate in our first AICP Exam Study Group program. The aim of these study groups will be to meet and share resources in preparation for the May 2023 AICP Exam.
Based on your geographic location, we will match you with peers and provide you all with contact information, study resources, and guidance for establishing a study program with your group.
To participate in a study group you should be able to commit to meeting with your group at least monthly, or ideally twice a month or weekly as the exam date gets closer.
AICP Exam Information
Taking the AICP exam is the first step to becoming a certified planner. The exam is given during two test windows every year in May and November. Information about the exam and eligibility can be found through the AICP website or by emailing AICPexam@planning.org.
The National AICP office can be reached at 312-431-9100.
AICP Training and Study Resource Information
APA Los Angeles regularly organizes an annual AICP Study/Review Session for those preparing to take the exam.
- Watch the 2.5-hour 2021 virtual AICP review session focused on planning history, theory, and law.
- Check our Newsletter for future study and information session details.
- Check the websites for APA California and the Orange County, Inland Empire, and San Diego section sites for training events.
Study Resources
APA California offers a complete on-demand AICP exam training course. With over 12 hours of instruction by relevant field experts, this course provides the guidance and materials needed to better prepare for the exam.
Topics include:
- Part 1: Planning History and Context
- Part 2: Exam and Training Course Overview (Free)
- Part 3: Plan Making and Implementation
- Part 4: Regulatory Law
- Part 5: Ethics Training
- Part 6: Public Participation
- Part 7: Planning Trends, Demographics & Transportation
- Part 8: Leadership, Administration & Management
All registrants will receive course updates regarding recent changes to the AICP exam process and scheduling.
The APA’s Chapter Presidents Council (CPC) offers its CPC Study Manual on CD for those who are preparing to take the AICP written exam. The purpose of the study manual is to help review basic planning concepts and practice skills necessary for taking a multiple-choice test.
The Manual can be ordered through the Chapter office: Order Form.
The National APA website offers additional study resources including an AICP exam prep package, materials from the National Planning Conference Exam Prep Session, a list of selected readings, and a no-cost simulation of a computerized examination. More information is available here.
Those interested in taking the AICP exam can now watch the 2019 National Planning conference session “AICP Exam Prep and Application Tips Workshop.” The videos linked are available in six parts covering two hours from the Exam Prep workshop at NPC19 and provide fun learning tips on preparing for the AICP exam.
Certification Maintenance (CM)
APA Los Angeles regularly coordinates local CM education and training opportunities. Please visit our Calendar page for more information or sign up for our Newsletter. APA National and the California Chapter both offer free and low-cost opportunities for CM credits. APA also offers a searchable database of current CM credit sources. If you have a suggestion for a local CM education and/or training opportunity, please email the Vice-Director for Professional Development at profdev@apalosangeles.org.