2024 Awards and Jury Applications are Open!! (Mar 17 – Mar 20)
The APA Los Angeles Section 2024 Awards and Jury Applications are open from Saturday, March 17 to Wednesday, March 20th!
Awards Application and Information (link to Google Form)
Jury Application and Information (link to Google Form)
The Awards Committee encourages you to submit outstanding projects, programs, plans, and people for the APA Los Angeles Planning Awards. Award categories encompass a wide range of achievements by small and large jurisdictions, community organizations, firms, and individuals.
Awards categories include (but are not limited to) the following:
Academic ■ Economic Planning & Development ■ Emerging Planning/Design Firm ■ Innovation ■ Urban Design ■ Opportunity & Empowerment ■ Neighborhood Planning ■ Transportation ■ Public Outreach ■ Grassroots Initiatives ■ Advancing Diversity ■ Planning Pioneer ■ Planning Advocate ■ Hard-won victories
The awards would not be successful without a committed and diverse jury – We are committed to gathering a group of jurors with a range of backgrounds, organizations, and years of experience!
Encourage your friends, colleagues, clients, or contractors to apply for an award and/or to join the jury today!
If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Awards@APALosAngeles.org