2017 APA Los Angeles Awards – Call for Nominations!
Call for Nominations – Due Friday, March 31, 2017
We need your help in identifying and nominating outstanding planning projects, activities, and individuals in the Los Angeles region for the 2017 APA Awards. This is your opportunity to gain recognition for the efforts of your Department, Firm, or City in contributing to the field of planning.
The local level of the awards program, run by APA Los Angeles, will accept nominations until Friday, March 31, 2017, in 23 categories including awards for planners, elected officials, planning schools, and journalists working within Los Angeles County. Additional information about the categories and the nomination process is available on the APA Los Angeles website at www.apalosangeles.org. The APA Los Angeles winners will be invited to proceed to the statewide competition and the California Chapter winners will compete for the National APA Awards.
Save the Date – Awards Gala, mid-June, 2017
Mark your calendars. The 2017 APA LA Awards Gala will be held in mid-June 2017. This annual event is a gathering of the most active and innovative planning professionals in the Los Angeles region. More detailed information will be sent soon.
Jurors Needed – Email awards@apalosangeles.org by March 15, 2017
Awards jurors are needed for the 2017 APA Los Angeles Awards. Jurors should be able to meet the week of April 3 or April 10, 2017 to review submissions. Jurors should also be able to attend the Awards Gala in mid-June to present awards to this year’s winners. Jurors can be members of the planning community, architects, landscape architects, planning students, and/or other interested individuals knowledgeable in the field of planning. If you would like to be an Awards Juror, please contact the Vice Directors of Awards, Geoffrey Danker and Tara Worden at awards@apalosangeles.org no later than Wednesday, March 15, 2017.
Sponsorship Available – marketing@apalosangeles.org for more information
Don’t miss the opportunity to sponsor the APA Los Angeles Awards! Sponsorships and advertising opportunities will be available for the event at many different levels. Please contact our sponsorship team at marketing@apalosangeles.org for more information.