2020 Student Showcase
The Southern California Association of Governments, (SCAG), is excited to announce a special opportunity for college and university students in the region. On May 7-8, SCAG’s annual Regional Conference & General Assembly will host a special Student Showcase session featuring sustainability GIS story maps selected through a competitive application process. This will be an opportunity for students to share their work with more than 900 elected officials, planners and regional leaders.
Students whose projects are chosen will be designated as SCAG Conference Fellows, receiving complimentary event registration, hotel accommodation and admission to an exclusive “Future Leaders in Regional Planning” professional development seminar during the conference.
See the flyer for the competition and find out about full competition rules.
Below you’ll find projects from past participants, as well as key dates for the competition.
Past Participants:
- Earthquake Preparedness
- Evaluating Tax Increment Financing Tools
- The Environmental Injustice that Homeless Face
- Bicycling in Southern California
Key Dates:
- March 6: Free Esri Story Maps Training (Optional) – RSVP
- March 16: Abstracts due at 10:00am – Submit
- March 30: Final projects due at 10:00am – Submit
Once again we are very excited for this opportunity to work with students throughout the SCAG region. Please pass this information along to your students in the best way you see fit. Feel free to reach out to Lyle Janicek at janicek@scag.ca.gov or (213) 236-1966 with any questions you may have.