2023 Planning Awards
The APA Los Angeles Section 2023 Awards and Jury Applications are open from Monday, February 6th to Monday, March 13th!
Awards Application and Information (link to Google Form)
The Awards Committee encourages you to submit outstanding projects, programs, plans, and people for the APA Los Angeles Planning Awards. Award categories encompass a wide range of achievements by small and large jurisdictions, community organizations, firms, and individuals.
Awards categories include:
Academic ■ Economic Planning & Development ■ Emerging Planning/Design Firm ■ Innovation ■ Urban Design ■ Opportunity & Empowerment ■ Neighborhood Planning ■ Transportation ■ Public Outreach ■ Grassroots Initiatives ■ Advancing Diversity ■ Planning Pioneer ■ Planning Advocate ■ Hard-won victories
Additional information on the categories is below!
Jury Application and Information (link to Google Form)
The awards would not be successful without a committed and diverse jury – We are committed to gathering a group of jurors with a range of backgrounds, organizations, and years of experience!
Encourage your friends, colleagues, clients, or contractors to apply for an Award and/or to join the Jury today!
If you have any questions or suggestions for award or juror nominations, please reach out to Awards@APALosAngeles.org
Awards Categories
Please see the California State Awards Program Policies for complete guidance and criteria on the AWARDS CATEGORIES. These are included in the local Los Angeles Section Awards. Please note, for the majority of awards, only awardees at the local section level are eligible for APA California Awards. (link to Awards Categories)
In addition to the California State Awards Categories (link), the APA Los Angeles Section has unique awards. The Los Angeles-only Awards descriptions are below:
Innovative Use of Technology Award
To a program or process which features an innovative use of technology to further the goals for the planning process. Originality and Innovation: Describe how the entry used technology in new and innovative ways to achieve projects in the planning field. Effectiveness and Results: State how your entry achieved its desired outcomes. Convey the level the new use of technology can make an impact over time and inspire others over time.
Neighborhood Planning Award
This award will go to a neighborhood plan, program, design, or related effort that demonstrates innovative planning principles and measures that create sustainable neighborhoods of lasting value.
Planning and Innovation: What critical planning elements are addressed by the nominated effort in terms of creating new neighborhoods and redesigning older neighborhoods? As an example, but not limited to, how does the nomination contribute to residents doing more walking, biking, or taking part in other physical activities? Does the plan call for placing schools closer to the homes where students and their families live? How are smart growth principles used to guide design of new neighborhoods as well as reinvestment decisions affecting older areas? How does the plan help create more diverse housing opportunities and address affordable housing needs? Plan Compatibility: How is the neighborhood plan, project, initiative, or other nominated effort compatible with the corresponding city comprehensive or master plan, district or special-use plans, city recreational plans, economic development plans, conservation area plans, environmental planning, capital improvement programs, zoning ordinances, or other related planning initiatives? In what ways does the neighborhood plan or planning effort support the broader needs of the community and surrounding region or addresses citywide objectives? Collaboration and Partnerships: What formal and informal steps were taken for neighborhood leaders to meet among themselves and with local officials to discuss the plan and plan implementation? What strategic partnerships or alliances were developed to help meet the goals and objectives of the nominated effort? Social Concerns: How does the nominated effort address not only physical conditions of the neighborhood, but also issues involving the diversity and social make-up of the neighborhood? Does the plan or effort facilitate the development of mixed-income neighborhoods?
Environmental Planning Award
To an environmental assessment document of unusually high merit that has been certified within the past 3 years. Originality: Innovative concepts or appreciable refinement of existing techniques or procedures.
Transferability: Potential applicability in other areas or to other projects. Quality. Excellence of thought, analysis, writing, graphics, and character of presentation. Implementation: Effectiveness of the work; proposals have been carried out or show promise
Outstanding Young Planner
Awarded to an individual affiliated with the field of planning, under the age of 35 at the time of nomination, who exhibits exemplary professional accomplishments and has made a valuable contribution in the advancement of the planning profession. Candidates should have examples of professional, educational, and community leadership within the planning field but can also have shown leadership and dedication to related areas. Formal planning education is not a requirement.”
John Chase Visionary Award
To an individual affiliated with the field of planning for a significant contribution in urban design, writing, architecture, planning, or any other related area of practice where creativity, critical thinking, mentorship, or a combination thereof, demonstrate a passion for planning as a true visionary. This award is given in memory of John Chase for sharing his extraordinary vision and leaving his mark on the field of planning. Significant Contribution: Explain how the nominee has made a significant contribution in urban design, writing, architecture, planning or any other related area of practice where creativity, critical thinking, mentorship, or a combination thereof, demonstrate a passion for planning as a true visionary.
Planning Pioneer Award and Planning Landmark Award
The Planning Pioneer and Planning Landmark Awards are typically only awarded at the State level. However, the APA Los Angeles Section allows for nominations and awards for these categories if merited. The APA Los Angeles section can also support nominations at the State level – please reach out with any questions!
If you are interested in helping organize this year’s awards and gala, please email awards@apalosangeles.org.
If you have any questions, please email awards@apalosangeles.org.