Abundant Housing LA

LA voters sent a clear message on March 7th by voting down the NIMBY, anti-housing Measure S in an epic landslide, 71% to 29%. That’s created a huge amount of momentum for pro-housing advocates like us, as well as given our elected leaders a boost of political capital to use for pro-housing policies. So what’s next for LA?
Join Abundant Housing for our March meeting at Mercado la Paloma, where we’ll discuss exactly that – what are we going to focus on going forward, and how can people get involved? And as exciting as I’m sure that sounds, the real highlight of the evening will be our guest speakers, talking about the vision for LA that they see:
– Vince Bertoni, Planning Director for the city of LA
– Marqueece Harris-Dawson, LA City Councilmember for the 8th District
Plus, we’ll host happy hour, as always. We’ll provide some apps and drinks, but please bring drinks if you’d like to share or if you’ve got a favorite.
Mercado la Paloma is a former warehouse which hosts a bunch of great restaurants, plus our group meeting space. It’s just south of downtown and near two Expo line stops. To get to the community room, go the back-left corner of the building after you enter (South-East corner).
Abundant Housing is an organization which advocates for housing affordability in the Los Angeles region. Here are our principles:
1. High rents and housing prices in the Los Angeles area are driving out long-time residents, decreasing diversity, stifling growth, and preventing new people from moving to our great city
2. Rents are too high because of a housing shortage – there are not enough homes and apartments to meet the demand to live here
3. We need more subsidies to build and preserve affordable housing, more market rate housing, and better enforcement of fair housing laws to solve the shortage
4. Our short-term solution is to advocate for developments which will provide more housing, and our long-term solution is to advocate for legislative changes which will enable and encourage more housing to be built.