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APA California Seeks Letters on Key State Legislation
The 2016 legislative session is in full swing, and APA California is working to formulate positions on many planning-related bills. Our lobbyists are asking for your jurisdiction or organization to submit letters on the bills below by Friday, April 8 or as soon as possible. For more information, log in to
AB 1934 (Oppose): AB 1934 would require a city or county to grant to a commercial developer a density bonus when the commercial applicant agrees to partner with an affordable housing developer to construct a mixed-used project with the housing located in the commercial development or within a one-mile radius of the commercial development.
Housing Committee Consultant:
Author’s Office:
AB 2208 (Oppose Unless Amended): AB 2208 would expand the Housing Element inventory of land suitable for residential development to include buildings owned or under the control of a city or a county, zoned for residential or nonresidential use, and capable of having residential developments constructed above the existing building, as well as underutilized sites.
Housing Committee Consultant:
Author’s Office:
AB 2501 (Oppose): AB 2208 adds another major round of changes to the Density Bonus law.
Housing Committee Consultant:
Author’s office: