APA Los Angeles Board of Directors Voting Open November 8th Through November 29th
The Elections Committee of APA Los Angeles invites APA members to vote for nominees for open board positions for 2023. The Section Director serves a four-year term (Section Director-Elect for 2023, Section Director for 2024-2025, and Immediate Past Director for 2026). All other elected officers serve two-year terms (1/1/2023 – 12/31/2024). The election for officers will be held starting November 8, 2022 and be open through November 29, 2022. Members of the Elections Committee shall be responsible for nominations, and the conduct and tally of annual elections. Names of all eligible candidates will appear on the ballot. Section elections are conducted by secret ballot online. The candidate for each office receiving the largest number of qualified votes shall be declared elected, the outcome published, and all candidates notified in writing within 45 days. Prior to notification, the Board shall certify all election results as complete and accurate by majority vote.
All results and a complete roster of Board members and Committee volunteers will be announced at the beginning of 2023.
Please email Fern Nueno, Section Director, at director@apalosangeles.org if you have questions, issues with the voting form, or would like more information on the positions and committees.
If you are interested in being more involved and/or joining a committee, please email Director@apalosangeles.org. Thanks!