APA Los Angeles Board Seeks Student Representatives for the 2022-2023 Academic Year!
The APA Los Angeles Section is seeking university student representatives for the 2022-2023 academic year! This role provides a great opportunity to get more involved in the Section, represent the needs and concerns of planning students in LA, and connect with Board Members.
The responsibilities of Student Representatives are:
- Maintain liaison between the planning schools, their students, the Los Angeles Section and the California Chapter.
- Assist the Vice Director for Membership and the University Liaison in obtaining student membership, representation, and involvement.
- Represent student concerns before the APA Los Angeles Section Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors and the Membership & Inclusion Committee each meet every other month, virtually, in the evenings (for a total of one meeting per month). In addition, Student Representative meetings may be scheduled as needed to discuss issues and activities specific to students.
To express your interest, please fill out the brief application by December 31st here. All Student Representatives will be contacted in early January with next steps.
If you have any questions, please contact us at university@apalosangeles.