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Call for APA LA 2015 Board Nominations
Get involved with your profession in 2015! APA LA is seeking candidates for elected and appointed positions for the 2015 Board. Nominations are due Tuesday, November 11.
Elected Positions (two year term)
We are seeking nominations for the following elected positions on the section board. The term of each position is two years beginning January 1, 2015 unless otherwise noted. You must work or reside in Los Angeles County and be an APA member during the term. If you would like to seek an office, please e-mail your name, the position that you are interested in, the nomination form, and a one page position statement not exceeding 300 words no later than Tuesday, November 11, 2014 to Marissa Aho, AICP at The election will occur in November and results will be announced in December. All nominees should be available January 10, 2015 for the APA LA Board Retreat. See the position descriptions below and for more information, contact Marissa Aho, AICP.
- Section Director
- Vice Director of Administration
- Vice Director of Finance
- Vice Director of Membership
- Vice Director of Policy
- Vice Director of Professional Development
- Vice Director of Programs
- Vice Director at Large
Appointed Positions (one year term)
APA LA is also seeking nominations for those interested in serving in the appointed one-year positions listed below. If you would like to be considered for appointment, please e-mail your name, along with the nomination form no later than Tuesday, November 11, 2014 to Marissa Aho, AICP at The APA LA Board will appoint these offices no later than January 2015. All nominees should be available January 10, 2015 for the APA LA Board Retreat.
- Marketing & Sponsorship Director
- Public Information Officer
- Young and Emerging Planning Professionals (YEPP) Director (Two Positions)
- University Liaison
- Planning Commissioner Liaison
- Membership Inclusion Director
- Webmaster
- Social Media Director
- Section Historian
- CPF Liaison
Please consider getting involved professionally in your local Los Angeles Section! The following is a description of the open elected positions:
The Section Director (takes office Jan. 1, 2016 – Section Director Elect for 2015) provides leadership for the Section by coordinating and directing the Board’s activities and programs. The Section Director represents and promotes the Section and reports on issues and activities to the Chapter and communicated Chapter concerns to the Section. The Section Director also maintains a liaison with other Section Directors.
The Vice Director of Administration serves as the secretary of the board by preparing agendas and minutes and other board correspondence. He/she works with the Section Director to plan board meetings and retreats. The Vice Director of Administration works with the Section Director and the Communications Committee to provide internal and external correspondence.
The Vice Director of Finance and Records maintains, receives, and disperses section funds, manages the financial records, prepares the annual Section budget and submits regular finance reports.
The Vice Director of Membership promotes APA membership and develops programs to influence membership retention and expansion. The Vice Director also welcomes new members and helps resolve membership problems.
The Vice Director of Policy develops and maintains Section legislative review and responses and presents policy items to the Section Board. The Vice Director will work with and maintain a strong working relationship with the Chapter Vice President for Policy and Legislation.
The Vice Director of Professional Development, along with another Vice Director of Professional Development, arranges and coordinates counseling of members preparing to take the AICP examination. This Vice Director develops seminars and symposia for members’ professional development and promotes programs for Certification Maintenance (CM). All candidates must be a member in good standing of APA and AICP.
The Vice Director of Programs, along with another Vice Director of Programs, is responsible for developing, recommending and maintaining an annual calendar of Section Programs. The Vice Director will make and coordinate necessary arrangement to carry out Section programs and events.
The Vice Director At-Large (Awards), along with another Vice Director At-Large, directs the annual Section Awards Program and coordinates award submittals for the California Chapter Awards. The Vice Director At-Large also assists with the development and implementation of special projects, activities, and programs of the Section Board.