CPF is recruiting for elected board positions!
The California Planning Foundation (CPF) is recruiting for elected positions for 2020!
CPF 2019 Election Schedule
Recruitment and Call for Nominations: September – October (Now!)
Nominations Submittal Deadline: October 21, 2019
Slate Approval and Election Voting by Email Ballot: November 4 – December 2, 2019
Elected Candidates to formally join CPF: January 2020 at an in-person CPF Board Retreat (Date TBD)
For questions about CPF board positions, elected terms, meeting schedule, etc., please email the CPF 2019 Elections Nomination Committee (all three of us):
Juan Borrelli: juan.borrelli@sanjoseca.gov
Hing Wong: hing@hingwong.info
Alison Spindler: adspindler27@gmail.com
Candidates interested in running should also email the CPF 2019 Elections Nomination Committee (all three of us) by no later than October 21, 2019 the following:
(1) A Letter of Interest/Candidate’s Statement; and
(2) A Current Resume.