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Culver City Issues GPU RFP!!!
Notice is hereby given that proposals will be received by the City of Culver City, California, for furnishing General Plan Update Services. The City of Culver City is issuing this RFP to invite extraordinary thought leaders, change makers, and design thinkers to take this step with Culver City in planning for a bright future.
A creative collaboration to update Culver City’s
constitution for future development
- Due date: 3:00 PM on June 21, 2018
- Contact: All questions should be emailed to: Ashley Hefner, Advance Planning Manager,
- Details: Copies of specifications and request documents may be obtained at the City’s Bids & RFPs Page. Prospective proposers must REGISTER to receive any updates, responses to questions and addendum for this project.
- Submittal: Submit one (1) USB flash drive with a searchable PDF copy of the proposal in its entirety and five (5) hard copies in a sealed envelope with the name of the company submitting the proposal and the title of “RFP #1802 – GPU Services” to: City of Culver City, City Clerk, 9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.
- Questions:The deadline for submitting questions regarding this RFP is 3:00 PM on May 24, 2018. Responses to questions received in advance of the non-mandatory pre-proposal conference on May 31, 2018 at 11:00 AM will be provided at the conference. Following the conference, all registered firms will receive responses to questions (those discussed at the conference and submitted otherwise) and any addenda that may be released, via e-mail.
- Preparation Costs: The preparation of proposals will be at the total expense of the Proposer. There is no expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding Proposers for any expense incurred in the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP. All proposals submitted to the City shall become properties of the City and will not be returned. If any information in your proposal is confidential and/or proprietary, please further submit a separate, redacted copy for servicing public records requests.
- Withdrawal: Any proposal may be withdrawn prior to the RFP opening time provided that the request is in writing and signed by the authorized representative. The withdrawal of a proposal shall not prejudice the right of the Proposer to file a new proposal to the time and date set for the opening of proposals. No proposal received after the time fixed for the RFP opening will be considered.