Free Law Webinar on July 10, 2020: Planning in the Era of Preemption
APA California Chapter/APA California Northern Section
Annual Law Training Program Webinar
July 10, 2020
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT
CM|1.50 (pending)
CM Law|1.50 (pending)
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Want to learn more about how recent housing legislation pre-empts local planning?
Planning in an Era of Pre-Emption
California is experiencing the nationwide trend of state legislation seeking to address the housing crisis, with numerous bills preempting local planning procedures. This session will review recent legislation – including SB 330, the suite of ADU bills, and the Housing Accountability Act – that have limited ad hoc review tools in favor of predictable and objective standards for residential projects. The session will discuss other pending California legislation and examples from other states that seek to re-think zoning exclusively for single-family residences.
Eric Phillips is the Vice President for Policy and Legislation of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association and a partner at the law firm of Burke, Williams & Sorensen in San Francisco. Before attending law school, Eric worked as a planner and has been involved professionally in California planning issues since 2002. Eric’s law practice focuses in the areas of land use, real estate, and CEQA compliance, and he has particular experience with State Density Bonus Law, the Housing Accountability Act, and other housing laws.
Stephen Velyvis, a partner in the Oakland law firm Burke, William, and Sorensen, is a land use and environmental law attorney representing public agency and private clients in administrative proceedings and before state and federal trial and appellate courts. Steve works daily on projects addressing complex legal issues spanning the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the California Coastal Act. He routinely represents clients in land use-related matters including local and state planning and zoning laws. Steve is the Legislative Director for the Northern Section of the California Chapter of APA.
Registration Required. Just go to:
Questions? Contact Libby Tyler, Northern Section Ethics Director, at (217) 493-4372
Note: This event was originally scheduled for March 21, 2020 but was delayed and brought on-line due to COVID-19 concerns.
On-line Ethics training is available through December 31, 2020 at: