Transportation Planning Fundamentals for California Streets
UC Berkeley Announcing New Planning Class: Transportation Planning Fundamentals for California Streets (PL-14)
In today’s environment, local streets and roads need to serve many different users. This course covers the planning, policy environment, and conceptual design of sustainable, multimodal, local streets and roads; how to integrate multimodal transportation into the local urban planning process; and how to design local streets, intersections, crossings, and interchanges consistent with the sustainable, multimodal approach. Course content spans the full range of key areas from characteristics of the local roadway system, analysis of flow and capacity, traffic/transportation operations, traffic control devices, pedestrian/bicycle facilities, and surface transit operations to traffic safety and advanced analytical methods.
This course is perfect for urban planners, transportation planners, and planning technicians in cities and counties, as well as transportation and land use consultants. Both new and experienced planners will benefit from this course. The course is primarily appropriate for urban and suburban perspectives, but may be relevant to rural areas that are subject to urban growth challenges.
This course grants 2.4 CEUs and 24.0 AICP CMs.