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2016 State Conference Calls for Presentations & Mobile Workshops Closing February 6 & 10
APA California and the 2016 Conference Host Committee are seeking online presentation submittals (including Sessions, Workshops/ Design Charrettes, Salons – and new this year – Quick Hits) consistent with the conference theme of Crafting Our Future: The Art of Planningand focused on one of the following six core conference tracks:
- Resiliency
- Sustainability
- By the Numbers (Data, Demographics and Technology)
- City Beautiful 2.0
- Community Outreach: The Art of Communicating with the Public
- Crafting Meaningful Regulations
Submissions close February 10 at 11:59 pm.
APA California is also seeking proposals for fun and informative mobile workshops in the Los Angeles region. A tour can involve recreational activities, unique foods, cultural experiences, behind-the-scenes access, or other local destinations and experiences. We are seeking opportunities that appeal to a range of audiences – public and private sectors, urban and rural planners, current and long-rangeplanners that will showcase the innovative planning going on throughout the Los Angeles region. Submissions close February 6 at 1:59 pm.